Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 15 May 15

So Its National Food Allergy Awareness Week!!!!

What a great week that is honestly. I have food allergies(dairy and raspberries... also onions because I hate them) but anyway Jenny ALSO has food allergies (she thinks nuts... that one is a hard one!). Unless you have to deal with a family, friend or personal issue with this you honestly don't think twice about how much "may contain tree nuts" is in A LOT of ingredients or even how much misc milk and cheese they put into things. Today Jenny offered me a piece of her whole wheat bread but advised she had not checked the ingredients since me eating bread is a very RARE occasion. Anyways It had milk in it and I mean  A LOT! Its bread for freaks sake! My family forgets I'm allergic sometimes too to milk. I've come home feeling pretty crumby from a visit at my parents because my mother forgot to advise me what real butter and milk she added to things and when I ask she usually forgets then too. She tries her best!

Anyways On my facebook I found a link to a website/blog that has a DELICIOUS looking recipe for a Mac and Cheese casserole. It looks AMAZING and I wanted to thank Nom Yum & Free for honestly ruling at life and making my search for perfect/different/healthy meals EVEN for just myself (no kids) easy and at my finger tips!

Anyways THANKS NOM YUM AND FREE! Your now my favorite place to try new recipes. Jenny and I will have the most delicious meals on the block!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 9 May 9

Dear Today

Jenny and I will be going to the gym later tonight.
Your welcome.

PS expect posts to be a bit shorter.... I seem to actually write them then!!! Until gym time... how about we dance?


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 8th May 8th

hows your wagon doing? Mines got a few broken wheels.
plus side I'm going to get my feet checked out because I clearly danced all the feeling out of them!!

Jenny's at the gym now. Jealous! I took an allergy pill so I'm going to sleep now.

xo G & J

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 1 May 1st.

We are trying to wake up early enough to work out.
I hope this works tomorrow morning! a great way to start off the day!

Good luck us.

xo G & J