Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Day 3

Ok so here it goes.
What sucks....  being dumped when you are kicking such ass at working out and being strong about life and its direction.

what doesn't suck... remember your not working out for them AND if you are maybe that was your problem in the first place?

Anyways life is short and not worth spending it with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you OR not worth stuck worrying about things out of you control. So instead lets TAKE control of what we can and laugh as loud as possible at what we cant!

Thanks to my co workers for telling me every day how you can really tell i've lost weight, thanks to Jenny(which yes this is me and her Blog BUT still) for keeping me on track and us being on the same page about most things in our lives, thanks to my family for moral support, my belt for starting big and NOW not fitting and to some new friends giving me some added inspiration motivation AND confidence.

Now... have you heard enough womp womps in this post? Don't get used to it. Apparently once a month I have a heart but now that i've gotten that out of my system be prepared for more delicious meals and chubby girl updates!

XO XO  J & G

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