Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 27 February

Distance 1.9437 miles all around our town. Jenny and I kind of rocked yesterday... just sayin.  Anyways its almost the end of the month and being realistic and not having lost site of the big picture I do not believe to be making my goal.  Im still going to work like I am going to make it BUT Im not seeing this happen. Jenny is close to! So so close to making hers. Frustration settling in and allergies coming out. This is going to be a long week.

xo G&J

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 22 (february)

Dear Blog

Im sorry I have deprived you. Its been a hard week in the lives of Gina and Jenny so this blog wasn't (but should have been) key to helping us stay focused. Jennys been cooking these delicious meals for her lunch with Kale, Tofu and Rice and inspired me to do the same(but with spinach instead of Kale). Jenny's a great cook and essentially she helps inspire me to cook delicious things! (pictures to come later once my email stops hating me). Incase you were wondering yes thats firm tofu with canola oil sprayed on the pan so it wont stick, roasted red pepper flakes, garlic and lemon pepper. NO SALT ADDED!

ANYWAYS Today I decided to do Billy Blanks Tae Bo Cardio! It was fun and slightly different than the dance game. I also do my calisthenics daily but like to add some sort of cardio on top of that! Lately its been dancing since thats easy and fun too BUT after doing it so much honestly it got easy and that to me is boring! So lets give dancing a break and start adding in some new work outs. woohoo!!!

Also Happy Ash Wednesday for all you religious and non religious out there! Although I may not go to church as much as my mother would like I do believe in Lent and the meaning behind it/power behind it. My lent I am actually going to give up extra salt. It was something I wanted to give up for the month of February BUT honestly I had some troubles with that. This month Jenny and I have been trying to kick some tail but slowly kicking tail. Its frustrating but we wont give in or up.

Maybe tomorrow Ill tell you about my new favorite class called Barre.

xo G&J

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feb Day 12..

So happy valentines ( WEEKEND) to all you lovers and haters out there.

I have decided that both Jenny and My boyfriend are both bad influences on us when it comes to food. I have thought long and hard about this decision and I think I'm right. They are so cute and sweet that we want to make them happy and feed them as a natural instinct! Oh you don't want grapes you say? You want spaghetti meatballs and garlic bread? SURE!! Oh you want a cheesesteak? Pizza? Burrito? Of course ill go with and get something so your not eating alone when we are on a quasi date! But lets be real... tomorrow starts a new morning, day, and food schedule for us. Once you fall off of a horse( or wagon) your supposed to get right back on right!?

Anyways I managed to snap a few flicks of my food to show how bad I was but seriously explain how delicious this was. Carmens Pizza (click this link to go to the site) is seriously DELICIOUS!! They are right outside of the lovely city of Philadelphia so the parking isn't terrible nor is the traffic. They have a little eat in area that has the old school pizzeria charm to it and honestly there is usually a table for you as soon as you come in.  Despite the open seating in a small area they are bus-y! You will see many of people walk in and out of there because everyone who knows about Carmen's knows how good this food is.  Now Ive only HEARD that the regular pizza and cheesesteaks and foods are good but I stick to the Vegan Menu.  They are also Gluten free friendly too for those who ask and have a separate menu for this.  We split a pizza and then got sandwiches ourselves.

Anyways calories calories calories BUT probably the more healthier places to eat pizza and cheese steaks at least for me.  I had a blast hanging out with my main squeeze eating bad foods when just earlier we had been walking and working out to prepare for such an occasion.

So because Valentines day is coming up in a few days and well I know I wont be seeing Ian on Tuesday since we live states away I wanted to say thanks for putting up with my crankyness brattyness rudeness and all around crabbyness due to lack of french fries in my life. I'm also super proud your doing this right along side with me!

Ill let Jenny write her own to hers :)
Vegan cheese pizza(daiya cheese) and whole wheat crust with organiz sauce).Vegan pizza steak with seiten (fake meat) and fake cheese (daiya cheese) and regular roll. 


xo G&J

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feb. Day 8..

We should probably call today Lull day!

Jenny and I are in a frustrating not moving lull where we eat right workout hard and still see NO change!! I was told today that its because my body is getting used to the calorie intake(which is not alot.... maybe around 1200) with proteins dairy(or fake dairy.. whatever!) and whole grains that its becoming harder to burn. ALSO I was told that the muscle we are building under our fat apparently weighs more than the fat we are losing. I have one word for this.... or really noise for this... AGH!!!!!!!!

Progress is progress I guess.

xo G&J

Monday, February 6, 2012

Feb. Day 6..

Welcome to Monday!

Its the start of a NEW work week where we can get back on track and be ready and set to go! Yesterday was the Superbowl AND the Puppybowl and If I were you I'd congratulate Jenny and I for not going overboard or even close to it. I will admit however we DID enjoy ourselves Saturday night. It was planned and we worked our whole day around eating at this delicious establishment. Blackbird Pizzeria is possibly the best Vegan establishment Ive been to. They have all of my favorites and the only thing I think its missing is Vegan soft serve ice cream and Cheese fries. Everything they cook is delicious and we honestly take a trip into the city specifically to eat their delicious foods. Anyways we both split these delicious fresh cut french fries. I also had a vegan slice of pizza and Jenny had a delicious vegan cheesesteak with peppers and onions(not pictured).

This ALSO happened to me these past few days and weekend. Oh you cant see the importance of this? I went from the first hole to the 4th!!! Talk about accomplishment! I feel so good Im about to try on a smaller sized pant! (feel free to dance along with me!).  Anyways Jenny and I both went out to look at some dresses and we found some really cute ones and honestly fit better into some we normally wouldn't have! If it wasn't for some rude sales people pushing us out the door she would have grabbed a smokin hot dress that showed off her hard work and effort!

Despite feeling a bit frustrated because the first week of Feb we weren't having as much success as the WHOLE month of January lets put this into perspective! We rewarded ourselves... slacked a bit... changed recipes to suit us better AND we are tired! Inspirational phrases are very welcome here in our trip of trying to lose a lot of weight!

We decided to give up certain things for the month of Feb also. I did great with the Fry one on January but Feb will change. I was allowed to eat fries this month but I just don't think besides this weekend I'm really going to. No snack type foods either just because I'm not interested in having them as much! I think they knock me back down despite only eating it sometimes.  I am however giving up EXTRA SALT.  anyone who knows me really knows this is going to be terribly hard for me and seriously everyone duck and hide!  Jenny is giving up chips this month!! She is allowed tortilla chips ONE time this month because she has the supplies for it already and its for one meal only. Otherwise NONE!

Good luck us.

XO g&j

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Happy lovely February!
quick update.. new goals made from Jenny and I.  Jenny lost about 10 lbs and I lost about 14. GO US!!!
But seriously we're exhausted! So I may get my butt to bed early today and then wake up early tomorrow. Yeah.... I think thats what will happen.

XO g&j