Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 20...

So I've got bad news and good news and I'm going to keep this short.

The bad news first.. I've got a terrible migraine that has been going on since last night (sunday) at around 6:35 pm.  This weather has been kicking my butt from snowy freezing days to foggy rainy 50 degree weather. Getting Migraines is terrible and knocks me back on my butt to where I can't do anything but lay down and even THAT hurts.  I took some Migraine headache medicine but lets be honest.... since when has an OTC pill REALLY worked with people who get migraines? Do you think its about time I see a doctor? Cause I think I finally do.

The GOOD news I woke up this morning and weighed myself to find out that even after my weekend of slightly " falling off the wagon" due to being out of town I still managed to hit my goal!! I still have about a week or so to keep my numbers down to the right number but I got there! Im just as surprised to be honest but I don't plan on stopping. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that things stay on track.

xo G & J

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