Day 7 is being kept short and sweet.
So its been a week exactly and I've almost hit my monthly goal AND Jenny is over half way to hers. Essencially this is good news for a few reasons so let me enlighten you...
1. We get to splurge (slightly) for 1 day ( 1 meal)
2. if something happens where we CANT get to our amazingly prepared food we have some extra room to work with
3. motivation!!( i guess this should have been #1?) I mean really though finding that reaching your mini goal you've made for yourself ALOT sooner than expected is a pretty awesome feeling.
*** notice I said MINI goal not big picture goal or life goal! Keep it simple!*****
Anyways my point being it's awesome.
I have a lot more recipes to share and this week I've decided to go a little rouge from what I had been eating last week so I'm going to share a snack recipe with you this time. Oh and of course Jenny has a different dinner and lunch than I do so thats even more recipes. Most of these recipes are under 400 calories too remember! Oh and before I leave my delicious nutritious snack for everyone to be jealous of the make for themselves so OTHERS can be jealous.. I'm no longer terribly sick(and the crowd goes wild!)!!!
Chocolate Banana Yogurt!
1. 6oz yogurt (vanilla is what they recommend and me too!)
2. 1/4 choc chips
3. half of a medium sized banana
xo G & J
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